Most of us are over enthusiastic in reading up medical information from the websites and we believe that we know it all. Isn’t it common that we read about some new drug that is available over the counter and the next time round when we have some symptoms, we tend to resort to self medication? Not many pause to think that this can get us into trouble and that we should never experiment with medicines of any type without knowing how it is going to affect us.
There are many cases where people have suffered. Most men have a healthy interest in Viagra which is one of the hottest topics most often discussed during smoking or in the bars. Though men do feel awkward to discuss it openly, they nevertheless make it a point to check out facts with friends and colleagues. One such corporate executive happened to get a little more adventurous and experimented with Viagra. He was in a top position which demanded his time almost round the clock all through the week. Constant travel and pressures of work left him tired and exhausted. There was no personal life and sex life was downright absent.
This situation is very dangerous for it can tell on the relationship and so it did. The wife began to feel neglected and missed out on her husband’s attention. When things began to go out of hand the man had to do something to bring back the life on rails and get control. So he managed to take a break and went on a holiday with his wife. To his utmost surprise he was confronted with a major problem. He could not enjoy a healthy sexual relationship with his wife for he had lost the ability to achieve erection. He suffered from erectile dysfunction. Instead of heading to a physician, he thought he would be smart enough to try a quick fix solution. He went straight to the chemist and bought Viagra. On consuming the tablets he expected results within four hours and was looking forward to resuming normal relationship and making his wife happy.
The wait was agonizing for it was a very uncomfortable situation for both to wait and see what happens. But then towards evening they happened to go to dinner and ordered a drink. By the time he was enjoying drink, he found himself feeling very uncomfortable and experienced difficulty in breathing. He began to feel very uneasy and finally his wife rushed him to the doctor in time.
It was later found that he was suffering from high blood pressure. Viagra is not recommended on people if they are suffering from any kind of blood pressure, kidney or heart related problems.
This goes on to prove that how ever smart one might be, it is not wise to resort to self medication. Let the doctors do what they know best and you do what you know best. When your sex life is in danger, Viagra can help you, but only when ordered by your doc.