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Things to Know about Viagra and Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra and erectile dysfunction

Sexual problems were not considered by the doctors in past. People used their own ways to treat a sexual problem but now such medicines are available in market which can show their working in very short time. This thing makes the user very satisfied regarding the activity of medicine. Viagra or Sildenafil citrate is one of such medicines which have the ability to show their best activity in 1-2 hours. Basically, Viagra is recommended by the doctors to those men who are suffering with erectile dysfunction.

We know that in present life people are suffering from numbers of health problems. This is only due to the less care regarding the food and health. People remain busy in their office work and pay less attention towards their health. Sometimes their own family members ask for time but they remain unable to manage themselves. This busy life has made the man very irresponsible either it is related to his family or his own health.

If a person has got erectile dysfunction by any way, then he needs a good medical treatment so that he can become normal at least before the sexual activity. In getting a good medical treatment, professional doctor ask the patient to use Viagra after examine him thoroughly. There are very rare cases in which doctor prescribe the use of a medicine other than Viagra for ED treatment. This is decided after the knowing the complete health history of that person. In some cases, the patient may be the victim of other health problems so the use of Viagra can cause problem for the body. Besides this, nitrates containing medicine are also considered very harmful if they are use along with Viagra.

There are a few side effects of using Viagra and the user must have the knowledge about them before using this medicine. Some side effects are less common which include bluish vision, blurred vision and less sensitivity of light. Common side effects include upset stomach, kidney and liver problem, headache and facial flushing. It is very easy to get rid of these side effects if immediate medical help is taken. If you will not consider these side effects while using Viagra, you will push yourself towards health problems. Viagra is also used for pulmonary hypertension and altitude sickness. But the use of Viagra should be according to the prescription of experienced doctor. This is a short review about the use of Viagra.